
Showing posts with label my opInIoN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my opInIoN. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2011

you're right!

Looking at others busy studying for test and exam, and seeing their tension faces just put a smile on my face. Not because of I like seeing people in stress, it's just that they remind me of my days when I used to be one of them. I believe that now, no matter what, cherish the moment cause you will definitely missed it once everything come to an end.

No matter what is the situation you're in, wishing that you can escape from it and live a different life won't just guarantee that you will be happier. Facing the problem is the only solution instead of running away from it. It's not easy but nothing is impossible. I'll strive for better thing, think positive and live my life happily. And you should too!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Experience on Valentine's Day!

What is interesting today? I've gained a new experience, I've met an absolutely brilliant person and we became friends. I like the word friends that he said. The person is a 'he'. Yes, you read it right. He's an absolutely great person, a thinker, a motivator, every word that he said is a knowledge. he made me realize that no matter what we do, don't be scared of people. Never underestimate yourself, you're a better that what you think you are. Be confident and bold. For the right reason and at the right time la.

I love this post and yes, it's for the Valentine's Day!

"If you sleep with your lover on 14th of Feb (Valentine's Day), your lover will give you good news on 21st of March (Mother's Day) and you'll gonna have kids on 14th of November (Children's Day), and if you look from the medical aspect, you're advise not to try this on ALL of your LOVERS because you'll gonna receive bad news on 1st of December (World AIDS Day). *credit*

Baby, I love you as long as you don't give me kids! Even if you did, just dump them in the drain.

Marvelous! Get the message? I don't believe in Valentine's Day, but I didn't condemn those who did, it's your choice. You got brain, use it. Option is what you created. As a Muslim, we celebrate the birth of our lover, the one and only, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. We've been missing you all this time, I pray that we'll meet in the afterlife. You're always with us, thank you for the priceless guidance and love.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

random thoughts

A perfect life is impossible

No matter ow you want it to be, once you got it, there's always something more

I guess we never learn

To be contented with what we have

Problem is an never ending issue

No escape. Dead lock. Face and forget.

My curiosity sometimes killing me

I'm bad.

I'm sorry.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Wonderful 2010.....Greater 2011!

In a few hours lagi, dah bye-bye 2010, welcome 2011. Meaning that, there's a lot of things in the to-do list. I dah taknak buat new year resolution sbb dah tau sgt pe nak jadi. So, just ade to-do list (tak same ke?). Ok la, first of all, tahniah lagi kat Khairul Fahmi sbb dia ramai plak yg tgk blog ni sbb ade muka dia. Tumpang publisiti cket ye.

Ok la, back to the to do list. First, yang wajib diselesaikan ialah proposal, questionnaires and research analysis, siapkan thesis by the end of 2011 sbb nak konvo ujung tahun 2012. Nak tak nak, it's a must la kan. Next, duit utk pergi bersuka ria di Korea kena dah ada sbb finally nak beli tiket flight and wat passport! Yes! Can't wait for that.

Tadi tgk Oprah, ada cita pasal sorang wanita ni dari negara Zimbabwe, tak dapat nak belajar tapi tak give up and finally tak lama lagi dah nak dapat PhD. Aku? Orang bagi peluang, tak reti la nak gunakan elok-elok, main-main. Selalu aku rasa research ni satu beban, sambung belajar pun susah bukan sebab apa, tapi M.A.L.A.S! Penyakit ni memang deadly btol. Mau leh give up kalo layan lebih-lebih. So, disebabkan peluang yang ada ni jadi aku bertekad (semangat nih!) akan terus belajar sampai ke peringkat paling tinggi. That means bila dah abis my Masters degree ni, sambung lagi untuk PhD. I dah tak kesah dah kalo lambat kahwin ke, tak kahwin ke sbb bnda tu semua kan mmg dah ditentukan. Yang penting, kita sebagai manusia ni kena ambil peluang yang ada and guna sepenuhnya.

Setiap benda yang kita buat ada kesusahannya tersendiri, terpulang kita jugak cam mana nak handle. If you believe in yourself, you'll always win. We human, never know what we can do as we always stop ourselves from achieving greater things in life.

I want to do this thing because of me, myself. I believe that I can do it and I'm the best. To you also, the reader, do believe in yourself. You don't need a miracle because you yourself are magic!
Have a nice year ahead and let's work hard to make our wishes and dreams come true! Owh, one more thing, that means I'm 23 next year. Although I hate being older day by day but I love the number 23! Yes, goodbye girl, hello matured woman.

I have a wonderful 2010. How about you?
I look forward to more wonderful things in 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


First of all, macam rakyat Malaysia yang lain, aku nak wish congratulations utk team bola sepak kita. Memang fantastik abis game korang! Patut la tetiba si Khairul Fahmi tu femes overnight. Dulu minat Christiano Ronaldo, tapi sekarang dah tak pandang sebab kempen beli barangan Malaysia, jadi I decide pilih Khairul Fahmi plak. (Khairul tu barang ke? Ehehe....alasan je tu). Ok2, sebelum ada orang marah, baik kita clearkan situasi ni ok? 'I' yang dimaksudkan tu bukan la saya ye, tetapi fenomena yang melanda banyak gadis2 remaja (remaja ke?) sekarang ni. Takde dah gambor Brad Pitt kat dinding, beli paper tampal muka si Khairul tu byk2. Pastu ckp kat mak, "Mak, ni gambor menantu mak!". Pastu kena pelangkung sbb gatal. Haha. Ok. Tak boleh salahkan dorang jugak. Memang si Khairul tu penyelamat team kita. So, terima je la ok. Yang lain pun hebat gak, kalau takde yang lain, tak menang la jugak kan. Pape pun, tahniah Malaysia! Good games....

Pujaan Malaya ni!

Jangan time ni je korang puji melambung2, bila kalah kutuk abis-abis. Kita kena continue support team sendiri, jangan time down, korang pun ikot downkan dorang. Jangan time ni je ngaku rakyat Malaysia. Renung-renungkan la ok? Isu Indonesia tu pulak, no comment la kan. Kadang2 memang ada orang yang obses, biasa la kan. Yang penting, tak payah la nak gaduh2, kita kan jiran. Yang penting, semangat kesukanan tu!

p/s: Khairul 21, aku 22.....patut la terasa dah tua diri ni! Byk pulak manusia yg lagi muda dari aku! Nasib la aku tak minat yang muda, kalo tak, bleh jadi pujaan hati gak ni.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mrs. Wanie? Maybe not yet....

I want to get married jugak, boleh tak mak?

Haih, looking at pictures of girls my age, exactly my age get married is somewhat makes me think that I'm a spinster. Owh god! That's bad. And I'm just 22. Not 32. I'm jealous. Seriously!

I know people said that getting married is hard work. Responsibilities. Endless fighting. Cooking. Babysitting (husband, I mean....). Nagging. Mess. etc etc......but it is still a beautiful thing rite? Well, at least it is to me. This is the part where people will say "You're not married yet, so you can say that, wait till you already are and you'll see!"

I have a dream of having a family of my own and I'll be a full time housewife. I'll devoted my time for my family. Owh sweet! Maknanya, I'll find someone rich, so that I don't have to work!

What? I'm studying hard enough now just to end up being a housewife? Don't worry, it is still too early to know what will happen in the future. It's just a plan.

It's just a dream of mine. To prepare breakfast for them in the morning, sent them to school. Wait for my husband to come home. Help my kids with their school works. Tuck them in at night. And gardening together on the weekend. We'll have a nice house with a beautiful garden. That's perfect! Not to mention the fish pond. I like that too.

Told you I'm a typical girl. Outdated. So last century. Name it. It's me. And I'm happy in my world.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I love you teacher

Another update!

i just read in a paper that former students celebrate teacher's 91st birthday! Wow! And they are already late 60s and 70s. And now, who did that? I myself never even remember my high school teachers birthday, not even one of them and it just 4 5 years since I left the school. And yet I still think that I'm a good student. Haha!

It seems like we have a lot to learn from the elders, we did not respect enough, did not appreciate enough and that makes us a person who takes things too easily. Hey, teachers is what made us today. Hey you, doc, you're not gonna be doctor if your teacher didn't thought you that blood is red and you sir engineer, you can never be an engineer if your teacher didn't thought that house is made from brick, and you mr. so-smart architecture would not be one if you're teacher didn't show you how to draw a simple so childish house. So, respect your teacher, and always...always appreciate them.

Who needs Teachers Day if they are a lot of these people exist now??? Sadly we need one, because we don't have any other students like them left.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Can I have the golden spoon, please?

Salam and hi!

Lama tak update blog, reason why...sama ja like all the times la kan. I have a good news which in the mean times become a burden to me. Orang kata, congrats Wanie! You deserve it, I know you can do it! Entah la, I'm not bragging about myself, doesn't have intention to do so pun. Just that sometimes to make a decision is so much harder that it seems to be.

Imagine yourself in my situation, you have such a good offer, a golden opportunity which if you let go, it seems so wasteful but at the same time if you accept it, you have no idea whether you'll be able to do it. To finish it takes a lot of persistence, patience, focus, a lot of sacrifice, can I endure it? I just simply don't know. Never put myself in one situation like this so I never really know what is my real capability.

But I do believe that if things are for good, God will open up ways for you as long as you work hard. I also do believe that if you do things for the sake of parents happiness, to help people, to contribute something to your society and the most important thing is, I do it for my Lord, the one and only, you'll be just fine. I need a lot of support, prays from my parents and now it is my job to put myself to the test....nothing is impossible!

Life is full of uncertainty, nothing is easy, no matter what you do, where you go....problems and hardship are always will be your best friends. They teach you a lot of thing about life, that in the end, you'll thank them for it.

To those out there, my friends, I wish you all the best in life! Make the best out of it each moment! To tikah, good luck in Sarawak! To Hana, you'll find a good job soon, don't worry. To Nini, anda bkn muda lagi utk enjoy sahaja di rumah ok! (sebenarnya jeles sbb ko leh duk umah)....and to me, good luck girl, you'll need it a lot!

P/S: Wanie, unless you were born with golden spoon in your mouth, you need to work hard! Welcome to the real world!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Hanna BOO & Atip!
Happy birthday to both of you!

Atip ni member baik time sekolah2 menengah dulu, sekarang pun baik lagi. Dia ni jenis moody cket tapi ati manyak baik atip, walaupun hang tak baca ni, aku wish all the best in life and cepat2 kawen ok, aku nak rasa nasi daging pak ank...sedap woo!

Si Hana ni plak member kenal kat UiTM ni, kenal dari sem 1 tapi kenal cket2 je la. Komander ni, giler berdedikasi kan na? Haha....tapi aku baik, kenal lagi rapat ngan dia bila dia jadi ousemate aku. Yg ni pun kdg2 ade angin kus2 dia, kalo time tu, aku pun tak berani nak kaco dia, kang kena campak bateri, sia2 ja. Haha! K la Na, I wish you all d best in life, dapat pakwe hensem, dapat mini cooper yg diidam2kan, dapat kebahagiaan dunia akhirat...amin!

By the way, utk kedua2 manusia berkenaan di atas, terima kasih la sebab wujud dalam idup aku, jadi kawan sejati dunia akhirat, tak jadi talam cam kuih talam yg aku suka makan, terima kasih la sbb memeriahkan idup aku. Haha! Gila emo cket......nway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKCIK2 SEKALIAN!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

cita2 saya nak jadi data analyzer!

Tajuk tak boleh blah, memang perli abih la. Sekarang ni tengah musim analyze data utk aku dan kwn2 seangkatan malas yang ada kat umah ni. Kalo sape2 tak tau ape tu data analysis, takpe, tak tau pun takpe sebab nak terangkan pun susah sampai kena belajar satu sem pasal data analysis baru tau, tu pun duk terhegeh2 lagi.

ANOVA, Anderson-Darling Normality Test, Test for Equal Variances, T-test, f-test, blablabla..... Takde la susah sangat pun sbb komputer yg kira semuanya, ko cume baca result dia je. Bunyi cam senang? Heh, belom cuba belom tau. Aku ni nasib la masih ade iman di dada yg mengelakkan aku dari wat benda2 gila disebabkan tekanan Final Year Project ni!

So, aku tengah berjuang utk menghabiskan sisa2 fyp yang semakin lama aku rasa semakin susah. Ni blom tiba masa presentation yg mna kena ready seready2nya ibarat nak pergi berperang, nak kena menghadapi segala persoalan yang bakal dituju bertubi2. Adeh!

Final exam bukan lagi apa2 sekarang ni, seluruh idupku hanya untuk menyiapkan projek tersayang. Cepatla berakhir, aku nak melangkan ke alam pekerjaan, meninggalkan dunia student buat sementara waktu. Maksudnya, still ade hati nak sambung master.

Nini yang tertekan disebabkan fyp ni decide utk tidor sepanjang hari utk menyelesaikan masalahnya. Adakah cara ini berkesan? Ye, berkesan utk tuan pya badan, tu je yang penting. Owh ye, sebelom lupa. Umah aku ade 3 orang yang demam, sorang disahkan denggi, sorang lagi masalah platlet kurang, sorang lagi masih tak tau result ujian darah. Haih! Umahku dipenuhi virus2 ni....semua gara2 tekanan dan nyamuk~

Friday, April 23, 2010

FYP again?!!

Hari ni, tanggal 23hb, dah tamat la 2 paper final yang bermakna ada lagi 2 paper to finish! Exam is not the problem, never a problem sejak dari zaman sekolah g. I'm not saying that I'm brilliant and exam is never a problem for me but I have the ability to just ignore it and keep dwelling in my laziness which is kinda annoying.

Tapi, satu lagi masalah ialah Final Year Project. I guess dat banyak kali sangat mention pasal fyp ni tapi tu la, dis thing really kills me. The hardest part is about to start end I just can't wait for it to end, no matter how. Of course la jgk I want to pass it with flying colors which is kinda out of my reach rite now.

So tonite is the rest time. Tomorrow need to clean up my crops, study Quality Management paper since the day after tomorrow we will start on the analysis part. I really need to force myself. Wish me luck k! And yes, get well soon hana!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Me and you = US!!!

6 hours lagi I'll be on the bus going back home! Wee! Sgt excited walaupun baru je balik aritu. Ok, first of all, I'm so sorry to those who read my blog, it's boring, yea. Nak wat cena, mmg xpenah ade bakat nak jadi writer plus aku ni tak pernahnya dihujani idea nak tulis bnda yang menarik.

K la, back to what I'm about to write. Final exam is just around the corner. Final exam terakhir since ni dah last sem aku and bdk2 yg seangkatan. Akhirnya! Abis jgk zaman uni ni, penat dah! Tak sabar nak keje plak tapi cam bese la, once u keje, bosan dan penat jgk. Then mula la miss zaman2 kat u, zaman kelam kabut wat assignment, zaman bz ngan test, exam bagai.

I guess semua org will miss their past. I'll miss them, my friends I made here, all the laughter and the pain we shared. All the memories, experiences that opened up my eyes to see and understand the facts of life. 

Tpi hidup ni masih panjang, umo baru nak masuk 22 tahun. There's a lot more out there waiting to be explore and learn, so c'mon guys, make the best out of your life! Tak sampai sebulan lagi, we'll say goodbye to each other. Sedih of course! 3 years together and sincerely I would say that meeting up my friends here are one of the best thing ever happen in my life. They're real friends, true friends that probably some of us out there never met even one! But lucky me, I met whole bunch of them!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cinta, Love, Amor, Pyaar, Saranghe, Ai....wateva you called it~

Salam and hi to all...

Tetiba terdetik nak cerita pasal cinta. Cinta aku ke? Of course bukan, I'm single and lovin' it ok! Ok, ni bkn pempat nak promote diri tapi nak cerita sumthing tentang cinta orang2 disekeliling.

Scene 1

Heroin yang baru putus cinta. Menjumpai lelaki lain dalam masa yg singkat. Mengekspresi cinta kepada orang2 sekeliling. Tapi kelihatannya mcm sebelah je yang excited. Pendapat? p/s pelajaran seperti diabaikan sejak kedatangan lelaki ni.

Scene 2

Heroin yang baru diberitahu oleh lelaki yg selama ini dianggap hero hatinya bhw dia menunggu heroin yg lain. Jadi selama ini, heroin cuma tempat dia mengisi kesunyian di hati, menanti heroin yang lain. Terasa dipergunakan. Pendapat?

Mula2 sekali aku mintak maaf kalo mencampuri hal peribadi masing2, cuma sebagai kawan yang mengambil berat, aku ada nasihat utk mereka2 ini. Nak terima, baguslah. Taknak terima, terpulang la, aku takde hak nak cakap apa2.

So, heroin 1, pasti ke lelaki tu sygkn ko mcm mna ko syg kan dia? Ke ko cume anggap lelaki tu sbg pengubat hati luka disebabkan cinta lama? Jangan menipu diri sendiri. Cinta bukan sekadar nak keluar date, nak bgtau 'I ade bf ok' atau setakat nak mengisi kekosongan hati tu. Kalo disebabkn dia, ko bleh ignore study, tipu kwn2, haih.....pandai2 la pkir ok, aku tak ckp pun ko tau la kn. Beb, umo dh 22, fikiran kena matang, fikir baik buruk, put yourself first. Cintan2 beria pun tapi kalo takde jodoh, heh...sia2 wa ckp lu! Wat pape pun kna pkir baik buruk, mungkin org tak nampak, tak tau pe dlm hati ko, tapi igt tuhan tu Maha Mengetahui. 

Heroin 2, it's ok to cry, to be sad. I've been through that. It hurts tapi bagus la dia decide utk bgtau sbb bila dah makin jauh korang terlibat dlm perhubungan ni, sakitnya lagi teruk. Everything happen for a reason. It's just that u didn't meet the guy meant for you yet. Hey, being single is not so bad, umo pun baru 22 so jgn sedih lama2 k, kejap2 sudah. Lgipun  tak comel la kalo u sedih2, cheer up k?

Utk renungan bersama, cinta tu fitrah manusia. Tak salah tapi kena la kena gayanya. Cinta tu anugerah tuhan tau, tapi kalau tau menghargai cinta tapi tak mengingati tuhan pun watpe kn? One more thing, jgn cemarkn cinta dengan ayat " I can't live without you syg!". Heh, kalo Allah s.w.t tu tak jadikan ko lagi la ko mmg tak idup terus tau x? Renung2kn dan selamat beramal.

p/s: excited plak tetiba arini ade peminat! Tapi sygnya not my taste. Excited jgk bila lelaki yg diusha kat secret recipe tu senyum kat I! Berbunga hati. Ari ape ek ari ni? hee...

Jgn jelajah blog saya~

Hai! To you, you and you.

Tgh2 malam ni, berblogwalking la plak setelah sakit kepala ngadap assignment yg ntah hape2, tak tau rupe bentuknya. Penat! Tadi nengok mentor, macam2 manusia yang perasan suara sedap. Aku pun cmtu gak cuma takde la sampai konfiden giler g mentor, yakin leh jadi penyanyi.

Jengah2 GB, trbaca byk pasal org yg nak ben ashaari menjelajah blog dorang. Aku tak kenal pun sape mamat ni, tapi dia ni otai blogger la kalo dah femes cmtu kn. Aku? Tak kesah kalo org nak baca, tapi kalo nak jelajah tu tak perlu la kot, bukan de bnde pun. Malu ngan blogger2 lain. Haha~ Nak jelajah, leh jelajah blog minah ni, hana si pengedar syabu yg sentiasa lalock!

Tulis blog ni just nak citer ngan diri sndiri je, kira utk release tensen. Dah la, nak tdor, sakit kepala ok! Daaa.....


Saturday, April 10, 2010


Kemalasan yang melanda mmg tak pernah surut pun. Tak kira la sekuat mana pun azam diri time tahun baru, mesti sudahnya sama je cam tahun2 sebelomnya. Manusia! Huh! Weekend yg hectic walaupun aku masih rilex cam besa, mls nak serabut otak.

Last week g tgk citer ni ngan bdk2 umah. Best giler! Aku bagi 7 bintang dari 5. Haha. Pya best la citer ni. Sangat best sampai tak terasa oun waktu berjalan, and aku tak tengok jam langsung through out the movie. Memang tak rugi sikit pun. kOmpem!


Assignment yang aku tak idea mcm mna akhirnya rupa bnda alah tu. Test robin yang kompem dia kata susah. Bese2 pun aku blur. Nombor mmg tak suka ngan aku mcm mna aku tak suka ngan nombor! Quiz dr. siti yang penat je aku hafal last week tapi haram dia xwat pun menyebabkan aku kna perah otak hafal lagi. Huh! Penat! Weekend ni nak balik umah g. Tak kesah la ppr bila, studi kat umah je, lagi bagus.

Blk ngan tikah! Akhirnya bleh la kami sembang lama2, bwk kuaq suma kesah hati dan perasaan. Cewah. Pandai ja aku ni. So tak sabar nak tunggu weekend ni, biar berakhir segala test, assignment, quiz and whatsoeva tu. Tinggal exam ja and presentation fyp. C'mon babeh! I'm ready. Wakaka...yolah tu! 


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Huh....I can't breathe~

Mungkin ada yg perasan, mungkin jugak tidak....rasanya tak kot. Tapi kenapa perlu aku menulis sehingga 2 blog? Tak cukup ke dgn satu blog yg ada? Kenapa perlu diprivatekan pulak?

Blog ni, Unholy Confession of Mine, blog yg diprivatekan, Life As It Is adalah 2 blog yg berlainan. Dalam blog ni, aku tak bebas menyatakan apa yang terbuku dihati, menyatakan nama manusia yang terlibat dalam hidup ni. Puncanya....terlalu ramai yang ingin mengambil tahu segala gerak geri, segala perkataan dan perbuatan. Menunggu masa untuk menyerang bila ada peluang.

Manusia mmg mcm ni, Ini lah kehidupan Wanie! Wake up ok.... Jadi aku perlu ruang utk bersendirian, mencari kebebasan, mencari ketenangan dan lain2 lagi. Untuk manusia berbintang Gemini seperti aku, kami mempunyai 2 personaliti. Satu yang dapat dilihat oleh orang lain, satu lagi yang hanya mengambil tempat bila berseorangan.

Tak bermaksud apa yang aku luahkan disini hanya sekadar rekaan semata2, cuma ini cuma sebahagian dari diri aku. Tempat dimana aku perlu menjaga hati dan perasaan manusia lain. Maaf sebab aku dah hilang punca, hilang pertimbangan, hilang rasa. Aku sendiri tak tau mcm mana nak menjaga perasaan org lain. 

Dalam Life As It Is, itu adalah aku sepenuhnya, tanpa berselindung dengan kata2, bebas meluahkan rasa dihati. Bebas menjadi Wanie! Judge me as you like, you have the right, but if you think you know me enough, think again.

Mungkinkah Life As It Is akan dipublickan? Untuk bacaan bersama? Mungkin. Satu hari nanti. Menulis post ni sekadar bersahaja. Aku tak pernah rasa ramai yang membaca.

Being a heartless person is just a mirror reflecting what I feel inside, when I'm in the world full of heartless person. Blame me. I'll take the blame~

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I really need to learn some anger management technique. Believe me, to get on my nerves is simply easy thing to do. I hate it! When I'm mad, I said things I didn't mean, I do things out of my sane thinking and at the end, I end up doing things I really regret.

I should understand her, didn't I? Rather than being so cynical and pissed off and make her feel even more bad, I should talk to her heart to heart. Said things that comfort her, didn't I? And I thought I know what friendship means. I'm sick.

I thought I don't have ego, hell yeah. How in the world I end up with that kind of conclusion? I can't face her and say I'm sorry. Clearly it's my fault. If only can control my feelings and my thoughts, this wouldn't be worse than it already had.

She's a nice girl, a good friend. It's just she's confused and stuck between two. And why I can't be the one who make things easier for her? Why I'm the one who always make things worst?

People are scared of me. You really think I like that? You really think that I like it when people can't look at me when I passed by? When people lower their gaze at me? When they can't look at me straight in the eyes because they're scared? I don't want all of that. I don't blame them for that. It's me, I need to change myself. The selfish, hot-tempered, cold, can't smile, cynical, negative creature.

I'm sorry again.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I want kids!

I want kids! Can I? jealous of all my cousin yg dah kawen and ade anak and nampak dorang hepi sgt. Tapi dalam marriage sape yg xde masalah kan. Maybe aku nmpak yg hepi je tapi banyak lagi bnda pasal marriage yang aku xtau dan xkan tau sampai la aku sendiri dah kawen kot.

Tak kesah la, all in all, aku tau nak kawen bukan senang. Nak jaga suami bukan senang, nak jaga anak lagi la susah kot tapi happiness is there. That's for sure la kan, sebab tu kahwin tu sebahagian dari iman.

Aku memang excited bab kawen ni, bukan bab yg tu ok, tapi aku suka sgt bdk2. Having your own kids, it's like....heaven kot. No matter how hard your day will be raising them up. No matter how sometimes you really want to be single again and don't have kids yet, at the end of the day, when you see them, you realize that they are your everything. 

I hope one day, I'll be a good mother. Can I? I wish and I pray so. Am I just having some 'can't wait to get married' syndrome. Tak kot sebab tahun ni I'll be 22 so I'm not getting any younger pun. Just thinking about the future. So mummy, don't worry coz I'm not planning on giving you son-in-law or grandchildren any time sooner pun.

Just babbling on the thought of it. That's it.

How can anyone be so heartless and throw them away?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Aku bru je join geng blogger walaupun dah setahun aku jadi blogger. Aku ni memang tak tau bnda2 ni. Org nk tulis blog, awak pun nak jgk tapi pe pun tak tau. Aku tau pun dari hana housemate aku tu.

Sebenarnya aku join geng blogger tu pun bkn sbb pe, sbb aku rasa bosan ngadap laptop ni tiap2 ari tapi tak tau nak wat ape. Jadi, kat geng blogger ni ade la byk list2 blog yg ade. Boleh ber'blogwalking' melihat isu2 dan citer2 menarik orang lain biarpun tak kenal sape.

Mane la tau, berjumpa ngan sahabat lama ke, kekasih lama ke kan...hahaha~ Aku ni sebenarnya sgt2 la kagum ngan blogger2 yg femes ni. Nak sain boleh? 

Takde la aku nak jadi camtu pun, sbb tujuan utama berbelog ni pun cuma nak tulis pe yang banyaknye tak teucap dengan kata2. Aku ni mmg bkn seorang penulis, nak tulis nota dlm klas pun mls, nak tulis bnda lain lg la mls kn. Tapi kalo blog ni pkai taip je, takde la mls sgt kot.

Ok la, mls dah citer byk. Masalah skrang pun byk. Owh anak2ku sayang, sori la mama tak jaga korang baik2 sbb tu ade yg terbantut je. Mama korang ni mmg mls pun...adeh! Padan muke sendiri kn...

K la, daaaaa........

Hari yang indah~

hari yg sgt menyeronokkan utk aku...~

1. ter'skip' klas post harvest

2. tgk My Name Is Khan, gler r wa ckp lu....sebrutal2 aku ni meleleh gak tgk, siap kire speaker kat tgv tu td sbb kalo tgk skrin takut nangis tak benti plak. Mmg touching r, kelakar pun ade. SRK mmg la pelakon hindi terbaik! Tabik r bro! Kalo org ajak tgk sekali, 2 kali, 3 kali pun aku pergi lagi, mmg best la...tak sia2 aku byr 10hengget walaupun gne student card (kalo xde student card xtau la bpe hengget).

Tak rugi tgk citer ni. Best. Siyes!

3. Makan subway yg dh lama kempunan. Dpt mkn subway fave aku, turkey breast and turkey ham...fuh! mmg power cam bese la.....puas ati gler~

4. G melalak kat karok selama 3 jam (walaupun sebenarnya aku ade lg sejam tapi sbb kejar masa nak semayang asar, jadi xsempat la) dengan harga student walaupun time tu dah pukul 4, jadi kna byar 9hengget je, best x best! Ni bukan karok jamban ok? Karok mahal....tempat spesial pye~

5. Makan ayam penyet yg fames sgt tu, walaupun pada aku xde la best sgt. Bukan selera aku kot, tp at least takde la batak kan. Kalo org sebut ayam penyet, kire ko dah tau la pe bnde tu. Tau la bile dh order kna byr dulu ye, bkn tnggu je, kalo tak mmg xde la mkanan ko tu.

Tak boleh mencabar tahap kepedasan aku pun ayam ni. Igtkn power gler la sgt!

6. Ternampak seorang lelaki kacak kat ayam penyet tu. Gaya bkn cm pekerja kat situ tapi cam bos pun tak la jgk tapi yg penting hensem la. Terpaku seketika bila mata bertentang mata...cewah!

Adakah secomel dan sekacak lelaki ini? Owh tidak...tapi ok la. Owh Chansung, did I tell you that I love you? Hehe....