hi all....hohoho, what's that for??? Christmas is around the corner ppl~~!!!!
Christmas means my lil brothers birthday are coming up. I said lil brothers, both of my brothers will be celebrating their birthday soon. Amy atau nma sbnrnya, Helmi tp xreti aku nk pnggil helmi, bnyi skema siot punye...punye?? gediknye bunyinye tp lantakler birthday will be on Christmas Day, 25th Dec and Hafiz will be on 26th Dec. So there's no point to celebrate it separately. Hohoho.....guess that my lil brothers are not so little anymore. Amy will turn to 15 and Hafiz, 20. 20??? Omg...I'm old. Hee.....
My brothers, Amy ngan Hafiz. Ini gambar lama coz now Amy is so much thinner than in dis pic.
See....I tak tipu kan, he changed a lot nowadays, mybe sbb dh 15 years old kot....
Actually aku rindu mak ngan ayah aku...waaaa....dulu tgk hp, tgk2 ade miscall dr ayah aku. Call blk la....
Aku: Call ke tadi??? Ade kat bwh basuh baju, hp kat atas. Nape??
Dad: Xde pe pun. Saje je call.
Aku: Cakap je la rindu...keh3...... I miss you too la daddy. Owh, igtkn ade pape td.
Dad: Ade lg ke duit? (I love dis question)
Aku: Bkn la xde langsung tp kalo nk tambah tu sgt2 la dialu2kn. Lebih2 cket pun xpe... Anak bertuah btol aku ni, bkn nk tya sihat ke tidak.
My mum and my dad. Sangat gumbira nmpaknya mummy