
Friday, December 25, 2009


tenet kat umah bengong, trpaksa plak melepak kat McD neh...aiceh, terlepak mnde plak ntah.

si nini sibuk mkn prosperity
pia plak sibok tunjuk jerawat gna webcam
hana plak duk meja lain mmbaca blog2 org lain
aku plak...ntah la, trpksa berblog and update status kat fb

Pagi td g bukit cerakah, plan nk g men2 basikal jap, mkn2 pastu g umah 4 musim sbb dh alang2 skrang tgh musim salji. Tp nk dijadikn cerite, kitorang pya la xtau jln kat dlm tmn pertanian tu, nk cri umah 4 musim tp dh abih explore kot satu tmn pertanian tu. Penat xyah citer la, bpe byk bukit yg kitorang dh naik, turun pun aku xtau la.MySpace Blk2 plak ujan, bwk moto ngan baju yg dh lencun tu. Trafik light plak bpak xlama pun merah. Adeh.....penat2 tp best la sbb mmbuat aktiviti berfaedah bersama kwn2. Berfaedah gler, naik basikal 4 jam kot.MySpace Gambor??? xamik dr hana g, nnt ler...xlrt...

Msg ngan ajie time bosan2, dia ckp la kdg2 sepi gak bile xde awek ni. Aku phm kot, phm sgt2. Tp ajie tu akwn aku je ek, jgn nk pkir bkn2 plak. Sunyi, sepi gak kdg2...yelah tgk mmber2 sume sibok g dating ngan bf masing2. Tp btol gak ckp ajie, nk cri mmg senang. Tp feel tu xsama. Takat nk ci bf wat isi masa lapang time tgh boring mmg senang kot. Tp ntah la, yg lama masih dpn mata jd susah kot nk lupa. Kalo tiap2 ari pun nmpak, igt senang ke wat bodo je. Muke mmg la cm xde perasaan tp dlm ati, tuhan je yg tau kot. Tak tau la pesal dh mcm2 jadi pun still aku cm....ntah la, xtau nk ckp cena.MySpace

Pe aku rasa? Sedih?MySpaceKecewa?MySpaceRindu?MySpaceAtau cm nk mati g?MySpace ARGHHH!!!!!MySpace

Nak tau lagu tema pe aku rasa sesuai utk dia??? Lagu ni...

Seventeen - Selalu Mengalah

Jelaskan Padaku Isi Hatimu
Seberapa Besar Kau Yakin Padaku
Untuk Tetap Bisa Bertahan Denganku
Menjaga Cinta Ini

Pertengkaran Yang Terjadi
Seperti Semua Salahku
Mengapa Selalu Aku Yang Mengalah
Tak Pernahkah Kau Berfikir
Sedikit Tentang Hatiku
Mengapa Ku Yang Harus Selalu Mengalah
Pantaskah Hatiku Masih Bisa Bersamamu

Jelaskan Padaku Isi Hatimu
Seberapa Besar Kau Yakin Padaku
Untuk Tetap Bisa Bertahan Denganku
Menjaga Cinta Ini

Mengapa Selalu Aku Yang Mengalah
Tak Pernahkah Kau Berfikir
Sedikit Tentang Hatiku
Mengapa Ku Yang Harus Selalu Mengalah
Pantaskah Hatiku Masih Bisa Bersamamu

Jiwang?? Lantak la, blog aku, suke ati la nk jiwang pun. Aku pun dh xlarat kalo aku je yg nk mengalah. Susah sgt ke nk fight??? Please la....I still need your answer and I guess you know who you are. Dah la....penat dh nk jiwang. Daa....MySpace

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

what to say

hi all....

so hari ni nk citer pasal pe plak??? Idea anyone???

First aku rasa nk ckp pasal manusia. Siapakah manusia itu??? Semua la, aku, kau, kita, mereka, etc. Nk dijadikan cerita, semalam housemate aku ajak lepak kat tasik dekat ngan umah aku smbil makan domino. Jadi biasala, kalo dh lepak sambil mkn, pe lagi, kutuk orang la plak. Aku rasa biasa je kalo kita bercakap pasal org. Ade je salah org yg kita nmpak, semua xkena, itu salah, ini salah. Aku pun sama je kalo bab mengutuk org ni. Sebab dh terbiasa, de je la bnda xkena pada aku. Mungkin ade org yg tak mengata org lain...bgus la aku tau lagi ramai yg macam aku, kan2??? Nak wat cmna, kita insan biasa, tp boleh kalo nk berubah. Aku?? Time will tell....

Sembang ngan housemate aku pasal sepupu masing2. Isu ni timbul sejak aku dapat tau ramai plak sepupu aku yg main facebook ni. Yelah, knape plak nk pelik kn, besa la tu. Jadi aku pun meng 'add' kn mereka2 ini semua. Mne yg aku knal dan aku jumpa la kn. Kadang2 aku terasa la betapa sebenarnya aku ni ada gap ngan sepupu2ku ini. Salah siapa?? Salah aku jugak yg agak susah nk berkomunikasi. Ape masalh sbnrnya? Aku rasa aku ni mmg xde skill berkomunikasi, sebab aku ni bkn la pendiam. Jauh sgt kot, cuma kalau aku tak biasa sembang ngan org tu, aku mg susah nk berckp melainkn terpaksa. Jadi wujud la gap yang tak sepatutnya ada. Padahal aku rasa sepupu2 aku ni baik2 je, takde pun bnde yg diorang buat aku rasa terasing sbb kitorang semua mmg sama. Semuanya cucu2 Abu Hanifah & Salmah, takde yg beza pun....

Satu lagi maybe sebab sepupu2 aku tu ramai yg dah kawen, dh keje, terasa aku ni tersangat la budak2. Aku tak ckp sepupu2 aku tu tua ok. So, aku mmg la sgt teringin nak mcm orang2 lain yg baik ngan sepupu, yelah bkn orang lain, family jugak kn. Nk jugak bila blk kampung, or gather ramai2 takde la rasa cm terasing je, padahal boleh je diorang tu nak bersembang ngan aku tp agaknya dh penat kot mencari topik nk sembang ngan aku. Biasa la, org tya sepatah, aku jawab sepatah, takde effort langsung nk sambung citer. Kalo aku memang la bosan kot asyik aku je nk start sembang pastu orgnye wat bodo je. Lepas ni nk kna blajar communication skills la plak...hehe...bukan utk sembang ngan sepupu2 je, tp berguna ilmu tu nanti. Almaklum la, belajar pun dh last semester, tak lama lg nk keje plak. Pastu kawen, pastu ade anak, pastu...oit, dh3...merapu plak.

kak yan

kak zura

kak na

kak lin

kak kin

abg din and his friends....look for family resemblance k...

abg azha

p/s: post ni dh lma nk publish tp sbb kebengongan tenet kat umah, jd skrang bru dpt publish..

Sunday, December 20, 2009

hohoho....Merry Xmas

hi all....hohoho, what's that for???  Christmas is around the corner ppl~~!!!!

Christmas means my lil brothers birthday are coming up. I said lil brothers, both of my brothers will be celebrating their birthday soon. Amy atau nma sbnrnya, Helmi tp xreti aku nk pnggil helmi, bnyi skema siot punye...punye?? gediknye bunyinye tp lantakler birthday will be on Christmas Day, 25th Dec and Hafiz will be on 26th Dec. So there's no point to celebrate it separately. Hohoho.....guess that my lil brothers are not so little anymore. Amy will turn to 15 and Hafiz, 20. 20??? Omg...I'm old. Hee.....

My brothers, Amy ngan Hafiz. Ini gambar lama coz now Amy is so much thinner than in dis pic.

See....I tak tipu kan, he changed a lot nowadays, mybe sbb dh 15 years old kot....

Actually aku rindu mak ngan ayah aku...waaaa....dulu tgk hp, tgk2 ade miscall dr ayah aku. Call blk la....

Aku: Call ke tadi??? Ade kat bwh basuh baju, hp kat atas. Nape??

Dad: Xde pe pun. Saje je call.

Aku: Cakap je la rindu...keh3...... I miss you too la daddyOwh, igtkn ade pape td.

Dad: Ade lg ke duit? (I love dis question)

Aku: Bkn la xde langsung tp kalo nk tambah tu sgt2 la dialu2kn. Lebih2 cket pun xpe... Anak bertuah btol aku ni, bkn nk tya sihat ke tidak.

My mum and my dad. Sangat gumbira nmpaknya mummy

Saturday, December 19, 2009

congrates to you...

mlm tadi, rsa bosan giler jd aku pun msg la 3 insan ni. Yg 2 lg xpenting utk diceritakn, tp yg sorang ni je aku nk mention. She's my bestie, sarah, well it takes hours gak before she reply me. But she brings me a good news, nope, not good but great news, awesome. She got DL!!!!! How awesome is dat??!!!! She said it's first time we get it together...yeah...

I'm damn happy for her, she make it at last and I always know she can do it. Go Sarah!!!! We must celebrate it together, we make it together. You know how much I want to see you and the first thing I want to do when I meet you is give you a big hug coz I miss you a lot ya~~

Friday, December 18, 2009


today is....

- a very tiring day but I'm happy that finally I'm able to start my final year project

- the day when I wake up from my sleep, I need him so bad

- the day I wish I get over him this moment

- the day I wish the new 'him' didn't text me

- the day I want to tell him I'm hurt, but I'm not crying and I want to move on....

- the day I want to tell him that he's not part of my list.....

Good bye and so long, my love. This is the last memory of you. I want to find my life back, the one I gave up when I choose to be with you. Please be happy and thank you for everything.

awesome??? nah......

aku baru tgk citer 2012....I know, I know, so last season, tp aku mmg xde la nk tgk sgt citer tu. Citer pasal Apocalypse, the end of the world. Citer ni je dh mmbuktikan manusia cm kita ni xdpt bygkn cena rupanya judgement day nnt. Pe yg digambarkan tu, aku xrasa even 1% pun dr pe yg akan jadi nnt. Judgement day is one day that no one, I mean NO ONE will ever survive.

Mungkin aku tgk citer tu dr pandangan aku sbg Muslim la kn. Citer tu mengarut, damn bored, aku leh tdor g time tgk, citer tu 2 and a half hour but aku tgk separuh je, dh ckup wat aku tutup citer tu, smbung tgk bnda yg lg best. Org kata citer tu best, well...pandangan masing2 la kn, tp aku rasa nasib baik la aku xtgk citer tu kat wayang, kalo x, msti aku menyesal giler. 

Dlm citer tu, org leh citer pasal judgement day sambil minum beer, siap nk selamatkan kete2 mewah. Manusia len leh g sibok berfikir, government still sibok kat White House, bomba pun still keje. Hello's judgement day la, no one will care other than himself. Xde mknenya nk bwk kapal terbang nk g China, sbb xde tmpat pun akan selamat, xde manusia pun akan selamat. Org putih ni mmg pandai, tp kalo smpai tahap bongoknye tu, mmg xtau nk ckp la. Dun have to predict bile nk jadi bnda tu coz no one knows and it will happen and you can never imagine how it looks like.

And satu lagi, kenape the end of the world org selalu predict tarikh2 cm 21-12-2012??? Ade ape pade tarikh??? Nmpak sgt la byk sgt elemen fantasi westerners ni....ceh~~!!!! Sorry to say guys, seems that you guys make a lousy movie....

p/s: just my opinion, to those who like dis movie, plz dun take it to the heart, ok...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

contaminated moral of ours

I crossed one profile in FB and I recognize one person, used to be someone I know but guess she didn't remember me anymore. Is it a SHE or HE??? Well, guess what, I guess SHE prefer to be HE. And now, all I can say is, our moral value is falling down people!!!!

I prefer to say she coz she is a girl and stop saying that ""I'm a man trap in a girl's body. You're born girl, so stay being a girl la. God didn't make mistakes, we are, definitely she is. And her so called girlfriend or love of her life for eternity....yucks!!!! whose name should not being mentioned here, is as crazy as her. Go find some real guys la you GIRLS. 

I pray that one day she'll find the truth and return back to the right path coz she's a nice person, she looks very beautiful when she's wearing tudung and girl stuff...well, she does have a good look as guy also, but that's not the important thing. The important thing is you're a girl, always be one and please come back before you went far off ok......Amin.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Mentalist

penah korang tgk citer ni???? Ade kat ntv7 ari sabtu kol 8.30 mlm. Citer ni mmg best giler, cite pasal crime investigation but more on the fabric of human nature rather than dr under the microscope view cam CSI. Simon Baker as Patrick Jane, hero dlm citer ni, seorang detektif besa tp dia pndai manipulate org, sbb dia mentalist. Mentalist, bkn psychic ok!! Dia manusia besa cm kita cuma ade skill yg org xde jd kira solve crime guna skill dia ni la. Cter ni best sbb cter ni light, funny sbb Jane ni dia very optimistic person, dia leh cri humor in anything so it's kinda bring positive vibes to everyone else la.

Besides that, he's doubt bout that~~!!!!! hampeh~~

bosan....bored...damn bored!!!!

dat's d word rite now. bkak fb td, kat komen gambar zman skolah dlu sje2 aku men2 kata dh kawen, bdk2 ni cye plak, dh pregnant pown. Hello....I baru 21 ok, bru nk masuk 22. Kita duk zman bila ni nk kawen awal2??? Mak aku pun kawen umo 23, tu pun 22 tahun dlu, xkn aku plak nk gatal2 kawen awal kot. Paling awal pun 5 tahun lg tp besa la kita merancang tp segala2nya ditentukan olehNya.

bisikan doaku dalam butiran tasbih

ku panjatkan pintaku padamu Maha Cinta

sudah di ubun2 cinta mengusik rasa

tak bisa ku paksa walau hatiku menjerit     


kenape tetiba je letak lirik lagu kat atas ni???entah...sje je, xde kna mengena pun. Citer psal cinta ni, mcm2 dh aku tgk, de yg bahagia, de yg merana, de yg sakit jiwa, patah hati, patah semangat, pendek kata mcm2 la. Tp bahagia pun, berkat ke??? Haha....jwb2. Bila dh makin tua cmni, cinta bkn lg cinta2 monyet, tu yg susah. Kalo tanya aku, aku dh give up, mls nk pkir pasal ni, mls nk bercinta cm bdk2 remaja, smpai masa kna kawen suh je mak cari kalo xde yg meminang. Abis citer.....bunyi cm senang je tp bleh ke???

Kalau I nk tunggu org muke cm you Chace, xkawen la smpai bila2 nmpaknya....hoho

Skrang citer pasal final year project yg xde progress g ni, haih...nk abih blajar pun ssh tol. Mne la aku nk korek tanah nk tanam pokok ni...arghhh~~!!!!!!

p/s: post ni xde kaitan ngan sape2 yg idup mau pown dh 7 kaki dlm tanah k...                                                                                           

Saturday, December 12, 2009

back to the past


sbnrnya aku mls sgt nk berblog ni tp rugi plak kalo xcrite pengalaman yg sgt menarik smalam, nk citer smalam, xsempat, dh pengsan.....jga2 dh kol 4 pagi daa....

bnda ni jd tetiba je, nk g mndi ngan bdk2 ni, kat mana??? tu la persoalannya...byk la tempat2 yg dicadangkan, de yg penah dgr, de gak yg xpenah dgr. Plan aku kalo bleh mmg nk g hulu selangor, tmpat zaman kanak2 aku tp kalo de yg lg best, aku no hal je. 

Ok, jd plannya nk g kalumpang. Tp jln xtau, yg tau smpai ke hulu selangor je, and aku sbg driver ikot suke ati je la nk bwk smpai ke mana, tup2 smpai la ke pertak. Slalu g tmpat ni wktu aku kecik2 dlu tp bkn port yg sma smlam la sbb pertak ni sungai yg sgt panjang. Kitorang pun bermandi mnda ngan riangnya. Mmg best la tmpa ni, nk wat white water rafting pun mmg best. Aku pun dh merasa smalam, cuma besenya xde kayak, aku sndiri2 je.....rasa r gak cena perasaan org lemas dihanyutkn air tp nasib de byk batu and air dia blom ke tahap melemaskn lg la. Alhamdulillah...idop lg aku...hoho~~~

xabis bermandi manda, aku decide nk blk kkb, tmpat lama aku dlu, bwk bdk2 ni tgk tmpat aku. Seriously, xbyk berubah, aku still leh knal tmpat lma aku. Sronok sgt2, aku rasa rindu giler ngan tempat tu, lpas 11 tahun, akhirnya aku kembali kat situ. G masjid kat ngan sekolah rendah agama ngan tadika aku, g sekolah rendah aku, g maktab tmpat tnggal aku dlu, g taman prmainan, mcm2 la. Semuanya masih sma seperti dlu, mcm mna kali terakhir aku tgk semuanya. 

Bdk2 ni kata tmpat tu sunyi, mcm tersusun gler. Aku kata mmg pun, tmpat ni xramai org jd sunyi la cket tp semuanya sgt natural, aku suka pokok2 yg masih byk kat situ, even taman mainan pun still sama, xde la vandalism cm tmpat len, umah pun stail zman2 british dlu. Msti la...tu la pekan yg penuh sejarah and still preserve it, tetiba aku bangga plak, aku berasal dr tmpat tu. Pape pun, I'm gonna miss KKB forever la, d best place to live in. 

Friday, December 11, 2009

result oh result















































penah dgr x org nangis sbb dia fail 2 subjek gara2 tutup skrin laptop ngan kertas sbb takut nk tgk result tp sbnrnya dia bca penunjuk gred yg kat atas ni?????? bca dr bwh...tup2 nampak D ngan F, pastu trus sedih gler sbb fail..... Manusia yg jd cmni ialah housemate aku, Nini....dia pya cuak nk tgk result tu smpai silap tgk la, sia2 je air mata ko tu nini!!!!!  Drama tol time tu......haih~~

Kat atas ni antara scene time result kuar....mcm2 kn??? Adeh....bnda besa la. Byk g scene2 lain sbnrnya semuanya gara2 xpuas ati ngan result sndiri. Ayat bese...past is past, look forward to ur future. Btol tu, at least we have another one sem kn, so, jgn la give up. Org slalu kata, time aku studi result cm hampeh, bila xstudi ok plak, pasni xnk studi r senang. Ade plak cmtu, mne bleh give up cmtu, usaha tu ttp d best method to achieve success. 

I'm not bragging so plz jgn plak bca post ni ngan nada2 riak yg sememangnya xde pown. Post ni neutral, ditulis hanya sekadar menulis..... Cuma renungan bersama, usaha tangga kejayaan. Org xwat ayat tu kalo xbtol. Jd never ever give up on urself sbb tu la bnda plg bodoh kita leh wat, so hang on and move on. Bkn utk org len je, utk aku gak. Janji ngan nini, last sem bg dpt 4flat plak, at least merasa la dpt 4 flat kn...hahaha....InsyaAllah~~

Bkk fb, mcm2 reaksi pasal result, mcm2 kata nasihat dr kwn2.....aku phm, ssh nk terima tp lmbat laun you'll get over it, dun worry. Utk2 housemate2 aku, congratz sbb clear sume...yg penting last sem ni k....

Thursday, December 10, 2009


1) Write five (5) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award(award pe neh??)

~5 facts bout hanna boo

1. dia suke pkai headphone even xdgr lagu.....

2. kalo dia xde mood, xyah kaco.....takot!!!!

3. die suke shopping baju bru cm pia....=P

4. muke dia serius (sme je cm aku) tp xde r serius sgt pown....bese je

5. die slalu teman aku g tgk wayang, karok ngan mkn kat woo~~

2) Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies. Interesting mne de...bese2 byk la....

1. org xcaya aku org kedah sbb aku xbyi cm org kedah.....well, nk wat cena tp aku mmg org kedah pun~~

2. suke baby ngan bear yg mna org sumer xcaye...

3. pemalas yg sgt kalo xde mood.....

4. de supervisor yg sgt2 low trsayang~~

5. mmber aku suke ckp aku ni kakak ke??? mne de la...

6. suke crik gaduh ngan je isu nk wat org sakit ati

7. suke lagu2 metal tp suke gak lagu2 jiwang......aku pya yin and yang dh brcampor...

8. suke purple.....

9. bdk ladang tp xsuke menanam...

10. suke tdor ngan mp3

3) Pick your ten (10) most deserving recipients and describe them.

1. hana-tp dia dh wat bnde ni

2. nani-dh lma xupdate blog

3. pojie-yg selalu setia berbelog

4. jah-yg suke tdor dlm klas time skolah mnengah

5. aleen-sgt2 baik (sorry I judge you..hehe)

6. tkah-salah sorang ahli radox

7. fatin- radoxian gak

8. nini-ousemate yg cuak

9. shaz-sgt2 baik, sgt2 di respect...

10. sarah-last but ur not less important k....she's special k...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

sekadar menulis...xde bnde pun


setelah hampir sebulan aku xupdate blog ni...almaklum la, kalo dh blk umah tu mmg xmen dh bnda2 cmni, spend masa ngan family plak....hehe(sebenarnya broadband lembap, mls nk bkk tenet)...

penat xilang g, dpt tau plak td result kuar esok....wth???? giler ah, aku mati2 igt mggu dpan...cena ni??? sbnrnya bkn leh watpe pun....biar je la, nk kna kumpul semangat tgk result esok, takut nnt tetiba pengsan lak tgk result. Adeh....

blk awai kat shah alam ni, xde la awal sgt sbb classmate aku yg len sume dh lma blk, aku ni kira yg lmbat la. Dh la pe pun xde lg, tmpat nk tanam xde, tanah xtau nk amik katne, benih ngan baja pun xtau nk beli katne, pendek kata sume pun xtau. Esok kna g ngadap supervisor kesayangan la, nk bncang masalah aku ni. Haih la wanie...xtau la pe nk jd ngan ko neh...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


wktu aku tulis post ni, aku rasa susah ati pasal something.....sbnrnya aku pun xsure pe punca sebenarnya tp aku xsuka cmni. Suka org pun aku ssh hati, benci org pun ssh hati gak. Npe la xleh tenang hati ni....

Aku xnk pkir dh bnda tu tp nk wat cena kalo dh trbyg2 slalu, ish.....xsuka la aku cmni. Nk je aku tya sndiri, biar puas ati cket tp xbrani. Heh??? Aku xbrani??? bior tu la hakikatnya. Xtya, xdpt kepastian tp nk tya xbrani. Mna la nk tau de slh kn, senang cket.

Kita ni kdg2 xnmpak slh sndiri, jd mybe la aku de wat slh kot tp aku dpt cri sbb pe, tu yg ssh. Aku nk kn jawapan yg pasti...haish....serabot la~~!!!! Cpat la cuti, nk rehatkn minda kat umah, jauh dr segala mcm anasir2 luar ni.......

Aku xsuka perasaan skrang~~~~ Npe la aku ni bkn jenis yg ignore je bnda2 cmni??? Gasak le cmne pun, tp msti nk pkir jgk.....Wanie~~~ dh la tu, biar je la, byk bnda len g brbaloi ko nk pkir dr bnda tu, selama ni pun xde la dia pkir ko sgt pun, ko xigt pe yg dia penah ckp dlu??? Ckup la tu, pkir la diri ko tu sndiri plak kali ni.....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


ppr dh abis....yehaaa~~~!!!!! senang tol hati sbb dh abis sem 5, sem yg aku rasa sgt byk dugaan dan cabaran, satu demi satu dtg, sorang demi sorang kna.....

Terlalu byk nk diceritakan rasanya tp pendek kata mmg sem ni la yg aku rsa sgt tertekan dgNext semn mcm2 bnda jd, lpas satu, nk diungkit, mls nk dikenang blk, biarla ia berlalu pergi dgn masa.....

Jd, dh tamatla perjalanan semester 5 ni, xsabar nk menanti kedatangan semester terakhir... Harapan mcm besa la, nk berubah jd yg lebih baik. Cm biasa, aku bernazar sem ni, kalo result lg tinggi dr cgpa, nk pose 5 ari....arap2nya cmtu la kn sbb dh ujung2 sem ni, kalo jatuh cena nk bg naik blk pointer tu~~~

Next sem aku ckp nk berubah....mmg la, dh last sem, nk prepare diri utk alam pekerjaan plak kn, bknnya student lg. Jd mcm2 nk kna azam aku??? Biar la aku je tau, nk bgtau pun kang kalo xjd, sendiri gak yg malu, jd biar je la ek......~~

Plan utk esok...pg2 kna jmpa prof low, supervisor kesayangan aku utk bincang pasal project msg2 Pastu nk g sunway beronggeng~~!!!!!! Nk g melalak sepuas ati, pastu nk mkn subway yg sgt lazat and nk tgk wayang yg best kat sunway.....bru tenang ati nk blk bercuti.....hehe...

Yg plg penting, xsbr nk blk umah.......rindu dh sgt2~~~ Bru tepon mak smalam ajak mkn kat hutan kampong, mkn besar ngan family....lma xmkn best2 tanpa perlu memikirkan duit ni...hohoho.......rindu kat aloq staq~~!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


patutnya tgh studi environment tp cm besa la, lg byk amik break time study cmni...

tgk facebook, tgk mmber2 skolah, tiba2 trigt bnda sedih plak....future is really unpredictable pun. Dr skolah rendah smpai skrang ni, aku selalu jd among the best tp xkn pernah jd the best among the best....sedih wooo.....ntah kenapa pun aku xtau tp org kata kita ni kna la bersyukur pe yg kita dpt kn. Tgk mmber2 skolah yg seangkatan dlu, kat oversea, studying medic, pharmacy, engineering...org2 yg seangkatan, kira yg satu level dlu time skolah...aku???? stuck kat malaysia, kat UiTM, amik plantation management. Nk citer ngan mmber2 pun segan kot. Mmg jauh beza, aku tau rmai je yg cm pelik, aku pun sma gak.

Aku tulis bukan nk citer aku ni pndai, bkn nk riak ke takbur ke cuma nk citer rasa terkilan. Aku xpnah rasa aku ni bijak pandai genius pun, tp mybe tu kelebihan aku dr org lain. Yelah, semua org ade kelebihan ngan kelemahan sndiri. Lebihnya aku kat situ, lemahnya aku dr segi lain plak, jd all in all, kita semua sama je. Aku igt aku penah menangis dlm toilet, aku ckp kat diri gunanya kalo ko bijak pun, dpt 12A dlm spm kalo xde uni pun nk offer ko blajar, ko stuck kat mariks ni cm bdk2 lain. Org len dh fly g merata dh pun, ko????? Seriously aku dh give up ngan diri sndiri, aku rasa cm aku ni sial gila, pas nangis tu rasa cm xde perasaan dh.

Gila sedih kot sbb aku mmg nk xnk msuk matriks, at least nk smbung uni trus. Dh la apply JPA xdpt, mmber2 aku yg skali g interview sume dpt kot, except aku and 2 3 org. Uni pya offer pun xde, yg ade pun juz offer matriks yg mula2 g aku dh cmpak borang tawaran tu. Pastu dh abis matrix plak dpt course Plantation management kat UiTM, c'mon la my worst nightmare....aku xpenah byg bnda2 cmni jd kat aku. Mmg rasa sedih gila la, xtau nk ckp pe...kata pelajar bijak pndai, bdk straight A's tp last2......this is my fate???

Tapi bila aku pkir blk, things happen for a reason. Now, still rasa terkilan sbb xdpt smbung kat oversea cm mmber2 lain tp dis is d best for me. Pe yg aku tau skrang, aku gembira yg aku seorang student Plantation Management kat UiTM, in Malaysia. Nothing to regrets, life goes on....past is past, future is what I'm looking forward to. I'm not a doctor, an engineer, a pharmacist but I am me....and I'm contented with my life. I still dreaming of studying in oversea, org kata kalo ade rezeki, ade la kn...kalo x, Malaysia pun xkurang hebatnya~~~

I love my life now, I wouldn't trade it for anything pun~~

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This Is It!!!!!

bru blk tgk wayang ngan didi....tgk Micheal Jackson, This Is It~~

rating aku nk bg....3.5 dr 5 la, tp actualy not fair to judge it pun sbb tu bkn movie tp dia pya recording rehearsal for concert at O2 London yg xjd sbb dia "can't make it"....

Aku rasa peminat MJ will love it, aku ni bkn peminat dia pun. Tp tau la beberapa lagu dia yg femes, cm Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean...and lagu yg aku tau bila dia dh xde, You're Not Alone. Aku rasa personally, he's one great performer, dia respect all people xkesah la ko sape, he knows his song very well, even d slightest beat of it. Well that's something great because sesetengah penyanyi tu doesn't even recognize their own songs. 

Satu lagi, aku rasa kalo konsert tu jadi, it will be one awesome concert coz preparation utk concert tu mmg best la. All d dancers, live music, not forgetting all the techie stuff prepared for all the songs. The best one aku rasa ialah for lagu Smooth Criminal, d idea for the song is brilliant...stage preparation yg extremely great, all in all, great support from everybody involve and you have one great singer....that concert supposed to be one memory you can't forget. And yeah, put aside all the scandal stuffs...

Micheal or Mikail, you're still a legend in music~~

To MJ....I'm not ur fan apparently not because you're not great, but it just that the genre is different, but apart from that I still think you're one great performer. And yeah, the case whether you're a Muslim or not is still a question. Almighty knows what we do not know.....

My recommendation to all MJ fans, this is something you should go and watch~~!!!!

me and myself

smalam before I went to sleep, ade something yg cross my mind.....

I'm a girl yg xsuka be alone, aku xsuka sunyi, xsuka sepi, and yes, everything I do, I want to have others beside me. I won't go out alone, even nk prgi beli groceries, or nk g mkn. Org slalu kata, you've already grown up, kna blajar independent. Tp independent doesn't mean I have to be alone kn. Because when I'm alone, I have this feeling that I can't describe but it always there, come out when I'm by myself. People said I'm spoil but that's me, I can't change it. 

I love my friends, they're my everything after my family. I want to have someone when I laugh, when I cry, when I feel down, when I fall, when I failed myself. Sometimes I don't need them to say anything, just be beside me and I'm fine. I hate loneliness and emptiness. Some of my friends are very different from me, but I'm not saying anything, it's just that it's them. They have their own reason, just like me. There's nothing wrong with it.

Like I said, people have their own way dealing with life. And for me, I always want to have others with me. Just be beside me, I'm contented. I won't force them to follow my way because they have their own life and I understand that. I'm happy with who I am now, I'm not gonna ask for more.....