
Thursday, November 12, 2009


wktu aku tulis post ni, aku rasa susah ati pasal something.....sbnrnya aku pun xsure pe punca sebenarnya tp aku xsuka cmni. Suka org pun aku ssh hati, benci org pun ssh hati gak. Npe la xleh tenang hati ni....

Aku xnk pkir dh bnda tu tp nk wat cena kalo dh trbyg2 slalu, ish.....xsuka la aku cmni. Nk je aku tya sndiri, biar puas ati cket tp xbrani. Heh??? Aku xbrani??? bior tu la hakikatnya. Xtya, xdpt kepastian tp nk tya xbrani. Mna la nk tau de slh kn, senang cket.

Kita ni kdg2 xnmpak slh sndiri, jd mybe la aku de wat slh kot tp aku dpt cri sbb pe, tu yg ssh. Aku nk kn jawapan yg pasti...haish....serabot la~~!!!! Cpat la cuti, nk rehatkn minda kat umah, jauh dr segala mcm anasir2 luar ni.......

Aku xsuka perasaan skrang~~~~ Npe la aku ni bkn jenis yg ignore je bnda2 cmni??? Gasak le cmne pun, tp msti nk pkir jgk.....Wanie~~~ dh la tu, biar je la, byk bnda len g brbaloi ko nk pkir dr bnda tu, selama ni pun xde la dia pkir ko sgt pun, ko xigt pe yg dia penah ckp dlu??? Ckup la tu, pkir la diri ko tu sndiri plak kali ni.....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


ppr dh abis....yehaaa~~~!!!!! senang tol hati sbb dh abis sem 5, sem yg aku rasa sgt byk dugaan dan cabaran, satu demi satu dtg, sorang demi sorang kna.....

Terlalu byk nk diceritakan rasanya tp pendek kata mmg sem ni la yg aku rsa sgt tertekan dgNext semn mcm2 bnda jd, lpas satu, nk diungkit, mls nk dikenang blk, biarla ia berlalu pergi dgn masa.....

Jd, dh tamatla perjalanan semester 5 ni, xsabar nk menanti kedatangan semester terakhir... Harapan mcm besa la, nk berubah jd yg lebih baik. Cm biasa, aku bernazar sem ni, kalo result lg tinggi dr cgpa, nk pose 5 ari....arap2nya cmtu la kn sbb dh ujung2 sem ni, kalo jatuh cena nk bg naik blk pointer tu~~~

Next sem aku ckp nk berubah....mmg la, dh last sem, nk prepare diri utk alam pekerjaan plak kn, bknnya student lg. Jd mcm2 nk kna azam aku??? Biar la aku je tau, nk bgtau pun kang kalo xjd, sendiri gak yg malu, jd biar je la ek......~~

Plan utk esok...pg2 kna jmpa prof low, supervisor kesayangan aku utk bincang pasal project msg2 Pastu nk g sunway beronggeng~~!!!!!! Nk g melalak sepuas ati, pastu nk mkn subway yg sgt lazat and nk tgk wayang yg best kat sunway.....bru tenang ati nk blk bercuti.....hehe...

Yg plg penting, xsbr nk blk umah.......rindu dh sgt2~~~ Bru tepon mak smalam ajak mkn kat hutan kampong, mkn besar ngan family....lma xmkn best2 tanpa perlu memikirkan duit ni...hohoho.......rindu kat aloq staq~~!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


patutnya tgh studi environment tp cm besa la, lg byk amik break time study cmni...

tgk facebook, tgk mmber2 skolah, tiba2 trigt bnda sedih plak....future is really unpredictable pun. Dr skolah rendah smpai skrang ni, aku selalu jd among the best tp xkn pernah jd the best among the best....sedih wooo.....ntah kenapa pun aku xtau tp org kata kita ni kna la bersyukur pe yg kita dpt kn. Tgk mmber2 skolah yg seangkatan dlu, kat oversea, studying medic, pharmacy, engineering...org2 yg seangkatan, kira yg satu level dlu time skolah...aku???? stuck kat malaysia, kat UiTM, amik plantation management. Nk citer ngan mmber2 pun segan kot. Mmg jauh beza, aku tau rmai je yg cm pelik, aku pun sma gak.

Aku tulis bukan nk citer aku ni pndai, bkn nk riak ke takbur ke cuma nk citer rasa terkilan. Aku xpnah rasa aku ni bijak pandai genius pun, tp mybe tu kelebihan aku dr org lain. Yelah, semua org ade kelebihan ngan kelemahan sndiri. Lebihnya aku kat situ, lemahnya aku dr segi lain plak, jd all in all, kita semua sama je. Aku igt aku penah menangis dlm toilet, aku ckp kat diri gunanya kalo ko bijak pun, dpt 12A dlm spm kalo xde uni pun nk offer ko blajar, ko stuck kat mariks ni cm bdk2 lain. Org len dh fly g merata dh pun, ko????? Seriously aku dh give up ngan diri sndiri, aku rasa cm aku ni sial gila, pas nangis tu rasa cm xde perasaan dh.

Gila sedih kot sbb aku mmg nk xnk msuk matriks, at least nk smbung uni trus. Dh la apply JPA xdpt, mmber2 aku yg skali g interview sume dpt kot, except aku and 2 3 org. Uni pya offer pun xde, yg ade pun juz offer matriks yg mula2 g aku dh cmpak borang tawaran tu. Pastu dh abis matrix plak dpt course Plantation management kat UiTM, c'mon la my worst nightmare....aku xpenah byg bnda2 cmni jd kat aku. Mmg rasa sedih gila la, xtau nk ckp pe...kata pelajar bijak pndai, bdk straight A's tp last2......this is my fate???

Tapi bila aku pkir blk, things happen for a reason. Now, still rasa terkilan sbb xdpt smbung kat oversea cm mmber2 lain tp dis is d best for me. Pe yg aku tau skrang, aku gembira yg aku seorang student Plantation Management kat UiTM, in Malaysia. Nothing to regrets, life goes on....past is past, future is what I'm looking forward to. I'm not a doctor, an engineer, a pharmacist but I am me....and I'm contented with my life. I still dreaming of studying in oversea, org kata kalo ade rezeki, ade la kn...kalo x, Malaysia pun xkurang hebatnya~~~

I love my life now, I wouldn't trade it for anything pun~~

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This Is It!!!!!

bru blk tgk wayang ngan didi....tgk Micheal Jackson, This Is It~~

rating aku nk bg....3.5 dr 5 la, tp actualy not fair to judge it pun sbb tu bkn movie tp dia pya recording rehearsal for concert at O2 London yg xjd sbb dia "can't make it"....

Aku rasa peminat MJ will love it, aku ni bkn peminat dia pun. Tp tau la beberapa lagu dia yg femes, cm Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean...and lagu yg aku tau bila dia dh xde, You're Not Alone. Aku rasa personally, he's one great performer, dia respect all people xkesah la ko sape, he knows his song very well, even d slightest beat of it. Well that's something great because sesetengah penyanyi tu doesn't even recognize their own songs. 

Satu lagi, aku rasa kalo konsert tu jadi, it will be one awesome concert coz preparation utk concert tu mmg best la. All d dancers, live music, not forgetting all the techie stuff prepared for all the songs. The best one aku rasa ialah for lagu Smooth Criminal, d idea for the song is brilliant...stage preparation yg extremely great, all in all, great support from everybody involve and you have one great singer....that concert supposed to be one memory you can't forget. And yeah, put aside all the scandal stuffs...

Micheal or Mikail, you're still a legend in music~~

To MJ....I'm not ur fan apparently not because you're not great, but it just that the genre is different, but apart from that I still think you're one great performer. And yeah, the case whether you're a Muslim or not is still a question. Almighty knows what we do not know.....

My recommendation to all MJ fans, this is something you should go and watch~~!!!!

me and myself

smalam before I went to sleep, ade something yg cross my mind.....

I'm a girl yg xsuka be alone, aku xsuka sunyi, xsuka sepi, and yes, everything I do, I want to have others beside me. I won't go out alone, even nk prgi beli groceries, or nk g mkn. Org slalu kata, you've already grown up, kna blajar independent. Tp independent doesn't mean I have to be alone kn. Because when I'm alone, I have this feeling that I can't describe but it always there, come out when I'm by myself. People said I'm spoil but that's me, I can't change it. 

I love my friends, they're my everything after my family. I want to have someone when I laugh, when I cry, when I feel down, when I fall, when I failed myself. Sometimes I don't need them to say anything, just be beside me and I'm fine. I hate loneliness and emptiness. Some of my friends are very different from me, but I'm not saying anything, it's just that it's them. They have their own reason, just like me. There's nothing wrong with it.

Like I said, people have their own way dealing with life. And for me, I always want to have others with me. Just be beside me, I'm contented. I won't force them to follow my way because they have their own life and I understand that. I'm happy with who I am now, I'm not gonna ask for more.....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

aku kaye~~!!!!

aku dh tulis td tp bongoknye dh trpadam la plak.....bongok2~~!!!!

pendek kata...first utk hana...blk aku xmcm kandang vavi ok??? blk semak ckit je, besa la org bujang, ko duk ngan kak ayu mmg la, dia tu veteran...hahaha....lg pun ko suka gak semak kat blk ni ek, jgn wt2 lupa plak...=P

pas abis ppr esok ni aku nk g midnite kat Bukit Raja, tgk citer ni.....aku dgr citer ni best dr Fly, and member aku si Sarah yg duk kat ceruk ulu tu pun nk tgk citer neh, jd aku pun nk tgk ler pe yg best sgt even aku bkn la peminat MJ pun....

Micheal Jackson: This Is It

pastu pas abis ppr last aku...iaitu on 11 Nov...aku nk g sunway tgk citer ni plak....yg ni plak housemate aku si Jaja ckp tgk trailer dia cm best gak, jd aku nk tgk jgk....

Law Abiding Citizen

nk tau komen aku pasal citer2 ni...tnggu la post aku akan dtg ok.....bpa bintang nk bg, ok ke ko, berbaloi tgk ke x...tnggu la ek....

Jd...kalo msuk 2 citer ni, aku dh tgk 8 movie dis sem...aku mmg kaya smpai xtau nk watpe ngan duit2 aku melainkn bazir tgk wayang.....hoho....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Marry me Juliet....only in your dream, stupid Juliet~

thinking of blogging rite now but I certainly got nothing to write about~~

now.....I miss my mum and dad so bad, I miss him so much but for sure I can't said it, I miss my bestie so much~~

ah yes~~!!!! just remember one thing......I want to share my thought on obsession (in term of girl guy relationship of coz)

I guess love is always become a popular topic everywhere, anytime by anyone....

There's a girl who is obsessed with my friend's ex... Nk blame the girl alone pun ssh sbb my friend pun ckp yg ex dia tu sweet talk kinda guy, mybe he didn't mean anything but girl certainly can fall for him. aku pya story la plak, except for that obsessed part. Aku phm mmg ssh kalo dh suka kat sweet talker ni but c'mon la, reality is....think bout urself first~~ 

And for one of my own friend....I surely sometimes get sick just by looking at her status and so on, it seems like her life is only about love, love and love. Senang la nk ckp dat "my love for him is true" tp plz la, how can you be sure of that. That's what we called "being blinded by love".....hello miss, dun be so sentimental la, greatest love is an untold story you know~~~ and yours is not one of it. Stop teling the whole world how much you hurt, how much you love him.... You just make urself look pathetic, weak and useless and I hate that kind of girl. Your life has just begin and there's a lot thing you need to go through. Stop all of this nonsense on "he's my happiness, my everything".......coz that only makes you look SUX and I'm sick of that~~!!!!!!

Btw....u're just in your early twenties....there's a lot of possibilities you didn't end up with him pun, and if dat happen, what do you plan to do???? kill urself to prove that you really love him...oh great....modern type romeo and juliet legend ~~!!!! What do you expect??? "Oh, she's one true lover" to my hand la.... ur romeo wouldn't drink the poison for you coz now, there's thousand of another juliet waiting for him while you rotten under the earth, waiting to go to hell coz u killed urself....+_+

yeah...that's kind of life I wanna lead....NAH~~!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009 life of mine..::

today like's raining. it's's dark....just finish watching Orange Days from jaja...

orange....symbolize the bittersweet of youth life, filled with laughter, pain, friendship, hardship, mistakes and love....certainly is~~ 

I guess all of us have that kind of life....maybe we meet different people with different characters, those who are totally different from us, but why is that?? I guess it is part of being an adult journey. To prepare yourself for the fact of the world. To me the fact can sometimes be harsh but that doesn't mean the world is unfair. Fair or justice is not a way of looking at the beauty of life, it;s about how you live your life to the fullest....

You'll be friend with people, you fight with them because of misunderstanding, difference in fall in love, feel so someone who you can let loose of yourself, then you break your heart knowing the fact that we can't get what we want, most of the time...hey, if life happen the way we want it to be, don't you think we will have a lot of conflict here and there??? That's the beauty of life.....

I make mistakes in judging people, mistakes in falling in love, mistakes in choosing friend but I never regret any of these because......these people actually help me understand that life always prepared something for us....maybe it's bitter but the bitter it gets, the better it will be because good things always come in bitterness in life~~

maybe I can't stand out like the green tree in the field of lavender, but I'm satisfied to be one of the lavender~~

I've talked too much I'll guess....I'll be dropping in later......Viva la vida, yeah~~!!!!